Tuesday, August 26, 2014


Let the ink drip
Smear a little on Your fingertips
As they glide dexterously
Turning parchment into golden.

Let the ink drip
Caress the soft light of Your eyes
As they bask lovingly
Tracing pictures into strokes.

Let the ink drip
Get streaked in Your hair
As they curl luxuriously
Gathering winds into sighs.

Let the ink drip
Flow from the depths of Your mind
As it flies endlessly
Transforming worlds into words.

Let the ink drip
Enraptured in the beauty of Your soul
As it warms eternally
Dissolving my life into Yours.

- Parekh, Pravesh
August 26, 2014
05:05 AM; 05:30 AM (mod.)